2013 Reading Challenge

2013 Reading Challenge
Suz has read 1 book toward her goal of 5 books.

sexta-feira, janeiro 11, 2008

Day off

fonte: HowStuffWorks

"Fever is a good thing. It's your body's attempt to kill off invading bacteria and other nasty organisms that can't survive the heat. The hypothalamus, which is the body's thermostat, senses the assault on the body and turns up the heat much the way you turn up the thermostat when you feel cold.

It's a simple defense mechanism, and the sweat that comes with a fever is merely a way to cool the body down. It used to be standard medical practice to knock that fever out as quickly as possible. Not so anymore. The value of fever is recognized, and since a fever will usually subside when the infection that's causing it runs its course, modern thinking is to ride out that fever, especially if it stays under 102 degrees F in adults.

If a fever is making you uncomfortable, however, or is interfering with your ability to eat, drink, or sleep, treat it. Your body needs adequate nutrition, hydration, and rest to fight the underlying cause of the fever."

in How Stuff Works

Hoje o meu dia foi então dedicado à febre :(

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